Free Download EventON v4.0.2 – Latest Version With Addons

Computer users are always looking for free downloads, and many computer programs offer such features. Free Download EventON is a new, free download that promises to be a one-stop solution for event planning.

The program provides templates that the user can customize, and these templates contain resources for food, entertainment, transportation, and more. EventON will allow users to create invitations and save them in their accounts to share them with others.

Free Download EventON
Free Download EventON

This eventON application is a free download for all smartphones. It provides live events and concerts and the ability to share pictures, videos, and messages with other event attendees.

eventON is a social media platform designed for people who love live shows and music. The app allows users to attend concerts and events with their friends or follow them from home.

EventON includes 200+ features to assist users in creating, managing, and host events, including customizable repeating events, multiple event images, unlimited event generation, various calendar format designs, competitors and event venues, and advanced features such as numerous data elements and language synchronized events.

Free Download EventON v4.0.2 Latest Version

Free Download EventON v4.0.2 (Changelog)

  • ADDED: basic text area field as custom meta field for event data.
  • FIXED: minor style changes.
  • FIXED: year-long events not showing correctly.
  • FIXED: default event image not working.
  • Bug Fix: repeating events from the future showing in the wrong months.
  • FIXED: get_event_time() not using utcoff.
  • FIXED: widget styles changes.
  • ADDED: option to disable jitsi external API from loading.
  • ADDED: website time on the event edit page.
  • FIXED: duplicate language string editing issue.
  • FIXED: day/days for happening now calendar and live time remaining.
  • And some other minor improvements and bug fixes.

EventON v4.0.2 Latest Version 100% Virus Free 

EventON v4.0.2 Latest Version
EventON v4.0.2 Latest Version

Free Download EventON v4.0.2 Latest Version With Addons – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

Premium Free Download Link

Features of Free Download EventON v4.0.2 – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

  • Supports both single and multiple day events.
  • Create single day events
  • The events don’t have a specific end time.
  • Create all-day events
  • Run two continuous events in WordPress’s admin.
  • Exclude some events from the calendar.
  • Living room events until set time while hiding the end time.
  • Assigns an event location image.
  • Set location by latitude longitude
  • Reuse the locations and objects for future events.
  • Set event organizer contact information
  • Save the event organizer for the event being re-hosted.
  • Learn more about the event link support
  • The user has various options for interacting with an event.
  • Rule a universal time and date format on your website.
  • Schema SEO content support for calendar events
  • Ability to auto archive past events
  • Easily add custom CSS styles using EventON Settings link.
  • Customize calendar month/year format
  • Use calendar date and time formats for customization.
  • Ability to reset calendar appearance to default easily
  • Ability to open eventCards on load
  • Display upcoming event list by months, as in the calendar.
  • Pre-set calendar event order ASC/DESC
  • Show featured events above others in calendar
  • Show only a select event calendar.
  • Create calendars with featured images on list
  • Show fixed months on the calendar.


  • Awesome Fount
  • maps Google API
  • Google fonts API
  • Visual Composer – Reversing.
  • Widget Elementor
  • Gutenberg Block with the EventON Shortcode Generator plugin.
  • Zoom API
  • Woocommerce
  • Paypal

Live Demo/Preview of EventON v4.0.2 – Event Calendar Plugin


 I can not find the “Event ID”, where can I find this?

The cal_id variable asked in the shortcode isn’t a generated value from eventON. cal_id is a unique value that can be either string or integer value to make two calendars unique from one another (in case there are multiple calendars on a page). Learn more information about cal_id.

Why doesn’t my shortcode work?

You are having trouble using your shortcode because there are commas in the shortcode. Your shortcode should look like this without commas separating the variables.

[code][add_eventon number_of_months=’12’ show_upcoming=’1′ month_incre=’-1′][/code]

Another way to determine the correctness of your shortcode is to switch back to “Text” mode in the WordPress text editor to ensure that the shortcode contains only text.

eg. [code][add_eventon number_of_months=4][/code]

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How to use the Template Tags?

Users of some familiarity with PHP can set the template tag in place of a shortcode, and the calendar will be placed on the pages. You’ll need to access the page’s template file, for example, “page.php,” and then insert the code you copied into the template tag where you would like the calendar to appear.

Does EventON support custom languages?

Yes, but not in the way that other plugins do. Please refer to mentioned question when discussing front-end calendar conditions. You can use the POT file eventon provides to import text to your WordPress site using a third party plugin such as

How can I get new updates to eventON and its addons?

We have complete documentation on upgrading events on plugins on our website. Please follow that guide.

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We are not responsible for the goods listed on our website. If you believe that one of your copyrighted works has been indexed by our site and you want it to be taken down, please contact us right away. It will be removed in the next 48 to 72 hours.

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